Regular Sunday Services are held regularly at the Consulate General of Russian Federation in Shanghai, 黄埔路20号 (Huangpu rd., 20), the Matins at 8 a.m., Confession at 9 a.m., Liturgy at 9-30.
More info about Russian Churches in Shanghai available in the following articles «The Crosses above Huangpu» and «Before the Dawn» (in Russian).
To attend Russian Orthodox Church services, please, bring your passport to show the Chinese guards at the Consulate entrance. The services at the Consulate are open to foreign passport holders only.
On Sundays and Feast-days Matins at 8 a.m., Divine Liturgy is at 10 a.m. (The parish follows the Julian “old style” calendar). Parish Rector — priest Ioann Schelokov, mobile in China: 15000466094 or contact Russian Club in Shanghai
Dear Reverend Priest,
I am in Arizona, USA. My son and wife have registered at the justice of the peace for a marriage license near Shanghi. My husband and I are planning to come to China to visit. Would it be possible to arrange an Orthodox baptism for Eva and marriage for them? (We attend an old calendar church. Our parents were refugees from the Ukraine.) What would we need? Our Russian language is a little rusty. Could the marriage service and prayers be in Chinese so that her parents can hear and understand?
Thank you
Fr.Alexiy serves in Russian with some parts of the service read and sang in English and Chinese. It’s possible to baptize and have a wedding service, please write us an e-mail at to discuss further.
Good day
Kindly requested to let us know address of Orthodox Church in shanghai , and plan , since plan to visit zhoushan island for dry docking and
Would like to come during holly week in your good church
Best regards
Harris papadakis
Hi. I would like to know if the services are still active at the consulate. And just to be clear, I do not need to be a Russian passport holder to attend, do I?
Dear Reverend Priest, this is Nina Zhan. I am sincerely writing to apply for baptism, if possible. At the moment, I work between Chengdu and Shenzhen. But before this, I received my master’s degree in Belarusian State University. In Minsk, I converted to Orthodoxy since then and have been wearing the cross on my neck every single day. However, because of my poor Russian speaking, I wasn’t able to get baptised by then. Recently, I wrote to the sisters in Saint Elisabeth Convent in Minsk and was kindly asked by the Father Andrew to get baptised. I was told that I could get baptised in the Orthodox Church of Our Lady Hall Shanghai. This is the reason that I am writing to double check if this is possible for me? And if yes, what should I do to meet the requirements and when would it be OK? Many thanks and happy new year! With love in Christ, Nina Zhan.